I've been meeting several Shikras and have been writing about them too. Over the past few weeks, hearing calls of Shikras from my house. The calls have been really loud and hence, I wasl sure that the birds were pretty close. But, hadn't spotted the Shikras from my terrace. Till recently.
One morning, I finally spotted a male Shikra, snacking on a garden-lizard, on a neem tree right behind my apartment.
Shikra (Male)
I kept spotting the male and female there over the next few days and understood that it's their favourite haunt! I'd been looking up the sky to spot the bird, when they were right behind my apartment, all along!
Shikra (Female)
There's a nest there, which I assumed to be a crow's nest, as there used to be a large flock of crows on that tree. But, later did I realise, that the crows have now shifted to another tree, giving way for the raptor! These days, I spot either of the Shikras, almost daily, perched on the nest! The Shikras, which were very shy at first and used to fly away on just seeing me, are now kinda used to me, I guess. They pose for me and fly away only when I get too close!
Shikra (Female)