One short trip to Bangalore, last weekend. How could I miss a chance for some birding? As soon as the train reached Bangalore in the morning, I went off to a friend's place had a quick shower and a cup of Boost and rushed to Lal Bagh! And, it was worth it.
One species I really wanted to click was the White Cheeked Barbet which is common in Bangalore butnot found in Chennai. I kept hearing several WCBs calling but couldn't spot one as they are small birds and the green colour helps them in camouflaging in the thick tree cover.
I kept walking listening to several birds calls - Greater coucals,
Mynas, Crows, White cheeked barbets - they all could be heard, but I just
couldn't spot them. Saw several black kites flying by quite close. Was able to see their
nests, too! Mynas were very common, and saw several of them peeking out
of holes in the trees - they were probably waiting for sunshine!
And, for sometime, I started using my macro to click some bees which were busy gathering nectar!
A walk along the lake was perfect as the sun was rising as I spotted several cormorants, geese, Brahminy kites, Pied Kingfishers, Purple Moorhens, Asian Koels and Greater Coucals. But, the White cheeked barbets were elusive.
Then, I came to a part of the park which was literally owned by Black kites. Perched on the trees, the park benches, grass - they were everywhere. They were not very shy. They didn't fly away even when I was close. Spent a lot of time taking pics of the black kites, as I hadn't come this close with these birds. And, that too, such a huge flock of Black kites!
Just few minutes before I was about to give up hopes of spotting the white-cheeked barbets, and was about to leave the park, I spotted one! Couldn't get close, got these two pics - not great pics, a bit soft, but I was happy to get these shots!
For more pics, check out my G+ album -
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