Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tree Walks!

Madras week celebrations meant, lots of events focusing on the city's awesomeness. Apart from the heritage walks, exhibitions etc, Tree walks were organised by Nizhal, the NGO which promotes concern for trees!

There were several walks. I happened to attend two of them - one at Kalakshetra and the other at St George's cathedral. Loved both the walks and learnt a lot! The volunteers from Nizhal were very knowledgeable and were keen to help us identify various species of trees. They also explained the properties and uses of each species.

Some of the trees which we I can remember from the walk are Copper pod (very commonly planted along the roads), Pungai tree, Indian Cork tree, Travelling palm, Indian Ash (Udhiyan maram in tamil) and Nuni.

Some of the common species like Peepal or Banyan tree also have very interesting stories. Apparently, the Fig, Peepal and Banyan belong to the same family and the similarity is the way in which pollination happens in these trees. A very tiny and a specific species of wasp enters the closed flowers and pollinates them. There are several species of insects, reptiles and birds are dependent on these trees and the tiny wasps for their survival. To actually know about this whole process of a fig tree's pollination, watch this spectacular documentary titled "The Queen of Trees". It's just brilliant!


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